Membership Services
A typical organisational response to workplace bullying is to redefine the problem so it is easier to manage.
By labelling a ‘problem’ between two people as a ‘personality conflict’, management (and legal) can deal with it as an employment problem rather than a health and safety issue.
When organisations investigate a bullying complaint, they look for evidence of bullying and ask, on the balance of probability, which scenario is more believable. Within this framing, one side is cast as a victim and the other as a villain and the process leads to finding someone right and someone wrong. This is a destructive process, and there IS a better way!
Given the harmful consequences of abuse in the workplace, the question is what can be done to change this behaviour. It is our view that each of the following four stages must be addressed to eliminate adult bullying within organisations and, New Zealand:
- Education
- Safe reporting mechanism(s)
- Appropriate management; and
- Reform
Membership is offered by WorkRight23 to individuals free of charge. All information you enter is completely secure. Our membership portal offers
- The ability to complete a WorkRight23 Questionnaire to assess your situation
- The ability to complete Organisational Assessments
- The ability to complete ongoing Documentation/Reporting
- Access to our Knowledge Base (Coming soon)
Our Holistic Approach
Our holistic approach begins with:
- A foundation of understanding of what makes up bullying (see our Adult Bullying Framework);
- General and specific education and training that offers clear examples of acceptable and unacceptable behaviours in the workplace;
- Reporting mechanism available, enabling the safe reporting of bullying instances by targets and bystanders;
- Effective and appropriate procedures, including a fair and robust investigation process (including identifying root causes);
- Management tool kits to appropriately handle reported cases;
- Advocate for and enable legal structures that provide incentives and deterrents.
- WorkRight23 has developed this solution to address gaps currently preventing the appropriate identification, management, and elimination of adult bullying in organisations including workplace bullying and sexual harassment.
We invite you to become a member.
WorkRight23's proprietary platform includes a Knowledge Base, Organisational Assessment, and Recording.
Click below for further information on our services.
- Assess if you are experiencing adult bullying
- Document current and ongoing personal experiences or observations of adult bullying
- Record a past experience with adult bullying
Currently BETA Testing